Workplace Rules for a Happy Life (WHO)

We could all be living happily if only we know and apply these Workplace Rules for a Happy Life. Everyone is working for a living, but sometimes working makes other people slowly dying. This is because of the unhealthy routines that we have in life. Work should make us happy, not the other way around; it should help us to live our lives in the fullest, not to make our lives less.

Workplace Rules for a Happy Life

1. Trust no one but respect everyone

Giving a little trust is normal, but never trust too much. Anyone from your office could be a friend, but a friend could always be your enemy too. Being attached with colleagues might affect your work in a negative way.  Putting too much trust to someone might upset you in the end because anyone could betray you. Remember that you are there to work and not to build deep relationship, so it is better to remain professional instead. However, respect everyone as you would want them to respect you.

If you are new in your workplace, the best way to cope up is to be a keen observer. Be careful on who you are talking to and on what you are talking about. After some time once you get to know the people around you, that will be the time for you to choose who can be trusted from not. Yet again, never trust too much!

2. Never take office gossips to home

Telling stories about what happened in your workplace is inevitable especially if you have a strong bond with your family. Oftentimes, this makes us forget to filter the information that we are sharing at home. Sometimes we even share the things that make us upset in our workplace. Remember, there is no perfect workplace so do not look for one. Remember too that you are professional and should never take gossip outside your workplace. “What you see, what you hear, leave it here,” as they say.

3. Enter office on time and leave on time

It is ironic that everyone wants to leave on time but some seem to not want to come on time. Sometimes you can’t get rid of overtime (OTs) due to the workload that you have. In such cases, entering office on time or even earlier is much advisable so you can accomplish more and avoid OTs somehow.

4. Never make relationship on workplace

Building teamwork and good rapport among colleagues is necessary and maintaining professionalism in every workplace is a must. On the other hand, making deep relationship rather than friendship alone is somehow complicated, especially if it is between an employer and an employee.

5. Expect nothing

Everyone wants to be recognized and appreciated for a good work. This sometimes becomes a hindrance since you would always expect for something in return instead of genuinely doing your best. You are in the workplace not to be recognized, you are there to contribute for its success. Therefore, whether anyone is watching you or not and whether your efforts are seen or not, always do your best. Do your best without any condition and expectation. You might not be able to please everybody, but Someone above always sees and recognizes your worth.

6. Never rush for your position

If it is meant for you, it will definitely be yours. There’s no need to be in a hurry for everyhing has its own perfect timing. Though things sometimes keep pushing you to become this and that, you do not have to pressure yourself because success is even sweeter if it is harvested on the right time. Never mind others’ success. You should not compare yourself with them for you have your own time to shine, no one’s late for that.

7. Never run behind office stuff

As much as you need the work, the work needs you too. There will be times that you would feel tired and wanting to give up, take some rest instead. Be responsible and considerate enough to think of your work, the people who will suffer if you run behind your responsibility; do not be self-centered.

8. Avoid taking everything on your ego

Intelligence and skills are not the only aspects for being hired. Great personality can beat those aspects too. Avoid being so emotionally attached with everything and learn to set aside your pride. Even if you are the best employee, you must always keep your feet on the ground. Taking everything on your ego will only make you feel proud, be open-minded instead. Also, it will make you appear arrogant on the eyes of others, so learn to understand them instead.

9. Doesn’t matter how people treat you

There’s no best explanation to this rather than the poem, Anyway..

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

— Mother Teresa

10. Nothing matter except family

Whenever you feel that everything seems toxic in your workplace, always remember that what matters most is your FAMILY. Hence, no matter how busy you are or how stressed out you are, you should always make time for them. In the end, if there is someone who will never leave you aside from Him, it is your family.

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